Zobraziť Slovenskú verziu https://youtu.be/gKbO7g6ppKs?t=39 Rail plow = Plasser & Theurer SSP110SW Rail plow = Plasser & Theurer SSP110SW Illustrative photos...
News & Events
STOP-FIRE-SAPFIR extinguishing polystyrene production Zobraziť Slovenskú verziu Design of a fire extinguishing system for a polystyrene foam and silage for...
STOP-FIRE-SAPFIR electrical distribution boxes extinguishing Zobraziť Slovenskú verziu SAPFIR powder extinguishing:The autonomous fire extinguishing system SAPFIR is intended for extinguishing...
Construction of a wind power plant Zobraziť Slovenskú verziu Functionality and problems of the wind power plant:The wind farm produces...
SAPFIR powder extinguishing for DEZA a.s. Zobraziť Slovenskú verziu https://youtu.be/re0Chf_TyFc In 2018, the management of DEZA asked SAPFIR for a...
Autonomous powder extinguishing SAPFIR Zobraziť Slovenskú verziu In 2016, there was a fire in the cable distribution in the upper...
SAPFIR extinguishing tests Zobraziť Slovenskú verziu In the past, after a bad experience with gas extinguishing (fire extinguishing in a...
Zobraziť Slovenskú verziu After the fire of the robotic line in the Hyundai car plant, there were millions lost in...
MONDI Štětí a.s. Czech Republic Zobraziť Slovenskú verziu In 2019, a fire broke out in one of the conveyor towers...